WakeOnLan Web

GitHub: https://github.com/HuakunShen/wol-web

A web app hosted locally for wakeonlan

This is a rewrite with sveltekit + PocketBase to replace the old version I wrote a few years ago

In the new rewrite, instead of writing an entire rest API server and manage database with gorm, I use PocketBase as backend and database. Its golang extension feature allows me to add the wakeonlan feature easily. The most complicated part, Auth, is also fully handled by PocketBase, saving lots of time. PocketBase also has a built-in database management UI, making user creation/management much easier.

Deployment (Docker)

Deployment with docker is super simple.

Docker image huakunshen/wol is available on docker hub.

Both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 are supported.


  1. The container must be in the same network as the target hosts
  2. The container must be started with --network=host
  3. Mac doesn't support --network=host with docker. On Mac you have to run server with go directly. It's recommended to use linux.

Step 1: Start Server

Here is a full command to start the server with a superuser initialized

docker run --rm \
  --network=host \
  -e PORT=8090 \
  -e SUPERUSER_EMAIL=<[email protected]m> \
  -e SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=<your password> \
  -v ./pb_data:/app/pb_data \
  • In this example I used --rm to clean up the container after it's closed for demo purpose
  • In production, you should replace --rm with -d to run it in detach mode

The 2 environment variables and volume are optional but recommended.

  • The volume is for data persistence, so you don't lose your data after container is destroyed.
    • Instead of using a local directory, it's better to create a volume and bind to it.
  • PORT environment variable is used to specify the port the server listens on
    • Default is 8090
    • Since this app has to be run in host network, you can't set port mapping with -p option; thus the PORT environment variable can be used to change the port.
  • The 2 environment variables are used to create an initial superuser in database
    • This project uses pocketbase as its backend and database, there is no user register feature as we shouldn't allow random person to register and send magic packets in your network. The only way to create user is log into pocketbase admin console with a superuser account and manually create user in the users collection/table.
    • When both SUPERUSER_EMAIL and SUPERUSER_PASSWORD are set, the server will create this superuser the first time it starts and you could login directly.
    • If you didn't set initial superuser credentials, you could also create a superuser
      • A long URL should be printed to console, open it in browser. The token in the URL allows you to create a superuser
      (!) Launch the URL below in the browser if it hasn't been open already to create your first superuser account:
      • If you ran docker run -d in detach mode, run docker logs <container name> to find the long URL for superuser creation.

Step 2: Create a Regular User

The superuser we discussed previously is like a database admin, you need to create a regular user to login to the website.

  1. Go to http://localhost:8090/_/ (or the url of your environment), login with superuser credentials
  2. Go to users collection, create a user, remember your email and password

Step 3: Login to WOL Web

You can go to http://localhost:8090/auth and login with your regular user credentials.

Create a host then you can wake up your computer from browser.

Deployment (docker compose)

Docker compose makes creating and destroying wol container easier.

A compose.yml is provided in this repo.

    image: "huakunshen/wol"
    container_name: wol-web
    network_mode: host
      - wol_data:/app/pb_data
      - [email protected]
      - SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=changeme
      - PORT=8090
docker compose up
docker compose down



  1. Bun
  2. Golang

bun workspace is used to manage this monorepo, dev script will start frontend and backend together.

bun install
bun run dev # start both sveltekit dev server and golang pocketbase server


The golang server is in apps/server. It's a golang pocketbase extension with some custom routes.

air # start development
go run main.go serve # start the server without hot reload


When table is modified, run go run . migrate collections to generate a migration .go file that will be auto loaded.


The frontend is in apps/web, written with sveltekit + @sveltejs/adapter-static.

In development, use http://localhost:5173.

Running bun run build will generate a apps/web/build directory, and will be automatically copied to apps/server/pb_public ready to be served directly by the golang server as static assets.

In production the website is accesssible at http://localhost:8090/.


make buildx automatically builds docker image for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 and push to dockerhub.